Love All Serve All

Love All Serve All, Help Ever Hurt Never

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Lunch After Meeting

1st Committee Meeting 31-7-2012

1st Committee Meeting 31st July 2012

Date : 31-7-2012
Time : 10.00am
Venue : Tangkak Bhajan Unit

1. Prayer
2. Chairman Welcome Address
3. Secretary Report
4. Treasurer Report
5. Wing Head Report:
A. Spiritual - Sis Doreen Ong
B. Wanita - Sis Boon Choo Moi
C. Youth - NIL
D. Education - Sis Shirley
E. Service - Bro Tey Lee Yong
F. Kitchen - Sis Amy Lee
G. Discipline - Bro Tey Lee Yong/ Sis Low Ah Huay
H. Librarian - Bro Tey Lee Yong
I.  PA System - Bro Camon Ng
J.  New Comer Session - Bro Tommy Soo

6. Coordinator submit 2012 activity plan.
7. Other Matters Arising
8. Closing Prayers

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Bro Tay Geck Seng's son wedding donation

Our sincere appreciation to Bro Tay for donating RM800 to our Bhajan Unit for our
 activities  and seva fund,  Om Sai Ram

Monday, 9 July 2012

Sathya Sai Baba Dental Clinic 8th July 2012

On 8th July 2012 our Dental Clinic started operating with 10 patients. Since it is our maiden treatment we still need to fine-point a lot of procedures. We are looking into the said matter and hopefully we can improve further. We need a lot of cooperation from the School and public to submit the eligible names so that we can arrange for the next appointment. We would also like to thank the Doctors and volunteers who have sacrificed their Sunday to serve the Public. OM SAI RAM